Date(s) - 30/10/2022
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Bunnings Rydalmere
Probably our last Bunnings Barbeque for 2022 (and last chance this year to contribute funds for the next cuboree and jamboree events)
Parents are needed to man stations in the Barbeque area. As per usual, youth members (cubs or scouts) can greet potential buyers and use their big puppy dog eyes or youthful enthusiasm (pester power) to sell more sausages. Cubs and scouts who actively participate will get credit towards community milesone badges.
Funds raised support the purchase and maintrnance of scouting equipments, which keeps fees down.
A list will be ciruclated a few weeks out from the event so parents and youth members can put their name down for a 2hr slot manning a barbecue station.
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